Welcome to Vibrations,
my small part of the universe.

This is my work in progress. Vibrations is where I plan to explore my creative spirit and where I can use what I have learned to teach others.

Under lessons you will find instructions for using Paint Shop Pro. There are only a few lessons now, geared toward the beginner user, but I hope to be adding more soon.

Under tutorials, I hope to add instructions for creating something specific, yet unique, using the skills covered under lessons. There is nothing there at the moment, but it is something to look forward to don't ya think? :)

Gifts will hold small tokens to be used with Paint Shop Pro, as they become available. (i.e. Custom brushes, Textures, Gradients etc)

Check out links for some other wonderful sites that we feel are worth mentioning.

The gallery is where you will find creations from those using this website, because we love watching them learn and grow!

Now the down to business stuff...

This website is mine and I share it with you. Please don't steal my graphics, design, code, etc. Please don't claim them as your own. Please do however share the link with everyone, that's why I created this site, to share.

If you find anything on our site offensive, please let me know. If you believe I am using something of yours, please let me know that too. If you find any errors or if you just want to let me know what you think, you can do that too.

Lastly, creating and maintaining a site takes time and money, so if you like what is here and you want more, then you can donate by clicking the button below,

or visit our sister sites, click on our sponsers, whatever you choose, it all helps


Layout of this site, including graphical content, page content, and any tutorials written here, are the sole property of bgordon and bgordon Ent.
Any resemblance to any existing site is purely coincidental.
If you feel that have a claim on copyrited material contained within these pages, please contact the site administrator.
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